Monday, July 28, 2014

The Photon Effect, A Web Series

It's been a while, ok a long while since we've updated the blog.  It's been so long we even forgot the login credentials!  But to everyone who has kept the faith and not given up on us, you WILL be rewarded with some hot, fresh, tasty content.  And it won't just be some blog updates. That's right, we're taking about a web series featuring Photon!    Here's a summary.

With RCI a smoldering pile of rubble, and The Black Hole in Parts  Dimension Unknown, Photon starts cracking down on crime in his hometown of Baltimore.  He's also keeping up with his day job with Powers Towers, now the biggest antenna service company in the region.     He even shacked up with Kelly Hammond, leaving his bachelor days behind.

Everything seems to be breaking Photon's way, right?  It is, for now (because how boring would that web series be).

With fewer and fewer crises to take advantage of, the Baltimore government and police force aren't too happy with Photon on the streets.  Government leaders work with a local corporate CEO to form a task force to capture Photon, and coincidentally take all of Kelly's Biolabs research for their personal gain.  Photon must battle these new enemies, and some old ones, to save himself and his friends.   

So that's what we've been up to.  On the blog we'll also have some random updates, including tips for filmmakers and a movie review or two.  Guardians of the Galaxy is definitely getting one!  So stay tuned and if there's anything you want to know about The Photon Effect, the new series, or indie filmmaking in general, let us know!

Oh, and just in case you haven't already…….

Buy the DVD!

Rent or buy the download!

Written by Douglas S. Adams, producer of The Photon Effect

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